Thursday, May 1, 2008


I thank GOD for enlightened me to know the power of faith declaration and to experience the power of living by faith. At first I doubt it but now I am fully convinced that without faith we are not going anywhere else in life. To all my believe in JESUS, please know that our GOD works when there is faith placed in HIM. In other words, "Faith Activates GOD'S Power". Just try out the below faith declaration and I believe GOD will show those who have placed their faith in HIM to experience their life in a way they have never thought of....because "Great Is Our GOD Who Created The Heaven & The Earth".


‘’Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers.’’
(3 John: 2)

I choose to live in God’s perfect will for my life. And His will is for me to live in perfect health and in prosperity. I am a citizen of Zion, and the Bible says in Isaiah 33:24 that ‘’and the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick’’; therefore I do not get sick. Divinity is at work in me; in every fiber of my being and in every cell of my blood. I am healed and whole.

I declare that God’s desire for me to live in health and prosperity is my daily experience all the days of my life. Sickness, disease and infirmity shall not come near my dwelling. I do not fear viruses, infections and disease causing germs, because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

I am the healed of God therefore my health flourishes like a palm tree. I have the blessings of the mind and the blessings of the body. By His stripes I was healed, and if I was healed then I remain in health. The Bible says in Romans 8:13 “but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live” therefore, I put an end to any unlawful transaction that my body may have contracted without my knowledge. I live in perfect health. Thank you Lord for this privilege. For this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord

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