Saturday, March 15, 2008

Change...Changes... Changing...

As I grow older, I realised that "CHANGE" is a necessity in our live no matter who are you, what is your profession, how old are you, where are you living...blah,blah,blah... As for me I noticed changes took place in :-
1. Climate - not easily anticipated compared to 10 years or 20 years ago
2. Childhood - more equipped & hands-on with computer
3. Technology - new technology rises amazingly for example - blogging
4. Living standard - changing from slow pace to quick pace
5. Disease - changing from cancer, AIDS... to Depression
6. Morale - from caring to self-centered

Everything is changing and the pace of change is so quick until we are not able to cope with it. Some of us stop following the change. Some of are adapting to the change. Some of us looking forward for a change. Nevertheless, whether we agree to the change or not slowly and somehow we have to accept it. I would encourage everyone that we rather accept and adapt the change with a cheerful than a doubtful for there's a saying :- Your "ATTITUDE DETERMINES YOUR ALTITUDE". Hope you received it TODAY!.

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